
Kath is sleeping a great deal now. She is perhaps awake for 10-20min a day just a few min at a time. As the disease progresses, more things start to shut down. She can hear us some of the time, but responses are often just a squeeze of a hand or a slight nod of a head. Occasionally she even musters a joke. When I was trying to understand if she wanted to be in the chair or the bed, I would repeat, “tell me sweetie, ‘chair or bed?'”… Pushing out a grin, she replied, “Chair or bed”. But most of the time its a deep sleep. For me, I know the inevitable is coming. It of course will. Soon. But I have become so adept at living moment to moment to cope, that the event still is out of sight. Probably until the last moment before I see it.

Betty is her little sentinel.
Photo 2013-06-30 10 56 58 AM
Photo 2013-06-29 11 02 10 AM

Photo 2013-06-30 9 46 15 PM

Family Days

We have had many great visits over the last few days. Kathleen loves to see people, so dont be shy. She is upset with herself when she is sleeping, but I assure her people are not angry with her for resting. The pain is much better controlled as of yesterday. Anecdotal as well as empirical pump numbers show she is using a lot less of the heavy traditional pain meds and instead leaning on Tylonol and a special type of Advil that is much more gentle on her GI tract. She was able to sleep through the night without any pain crisis waking her. Its not completely gone but its for sure better. Hopefully we can titrate down the nasty stuff a bit so she is not so out of it and still be relatively comfortable.

Richard, Drew, Me and some random lady
Photo 2013-06-20 6 36 34 PM

Jacob, Evey, Jordan, Marlee and Leia. The kids sang “International Space Station” and brought some wonderful coloring over to cheer Kathleen up. They have been like a tiny greek chorus to remind us of what can be bright and beautiful about the future at many points along Kathleen’s cancer journey.
Photo 2013-06-22 11 49 58 AM
Photo 2013-06-22 11 59 20 AM
Photo 2013-06-22 11 59 36 AM

Kathleen’s sister Mel from Montreal with Elaine. Lots of smiles and happiness.
Photo 2013-06-25 3 25 30 PM
Photo 2013-06-25 3 25 34 PM

Kathleen’s brother Don and her sister-in-law Bonnie
Photo 2013-06-26 1 00 09 PM

Sleeping under Jordan’s magic princess
Photo 2013-06-26 3 40 32 PM



It was hard to leave the hospital for a number of reasons. For Kathleen, tearful goodbyes for one. People she will never see again. Ever. As in the big ‘ever’. For me, it was like leaving a supportive family. There were so many young nurses who treated Kathleen as a beloved aunt, and so many older nurses who treated her like a treasured niece. And for me, just overwhelming kindness and respite. I remember coming in last Sunday morning, and the nurse who was Kathleen’s “constant” (when you have to be constantly monitored, the nurse assigned is called a “constant”) had turned down her sheets and arranged her pillows so perfectly and lovingly, I was expecting to find towel art like at one of those fancy Caribbean resorts. You know, a fresh bath towel origamied into a swan? There were a lot of tears shed. Seeing the hospital retreat away through the back portal window of the ambulance taking us home only added to the defined intensity of the moment.

I was thinking a lot about that guy from back in November who I happened to pass in the hall as he casually asked the nurse, “You called and said my wife is in a coma. Is she here or on the 6th floor.” I cant even remember what he looked like now, just the unphased tone in his voice. Its probably been a few weeks now, perhaps a month where I have become that guy. I know Kathleen is going to die soon and it no longer terrifies me like the way it used to… Same with Kathleen to a different degree.  As with each new step along the way, we acclimatized. She literally was placed into her death bed in the living room today.  We both cried, but not that much.

Twenty minutes later, we were on the side deck, enjoying the sun and having a bbq with family and a friend who Kath was roomates with last February in the hospital.  I was tired and didnt really want to do it, but Kath insisted. It took a good 15min just to transfer her out of the livingroom bed and into the wheel chair to get out to the side deck. But reflecting on it after, the BBQ was a profound reminder of what life is for me. Its finite and you must fight to live sometimes. And I dont mean hold on for the sake of holding on– struggle to make the best of whatever situation you are in. Look for light in those dark places. Make friends and relationships no matter where you are and how you are. And entertaining family and guests 20 min after being placed in your deathbed ? Thats the amazing fighter I have known and loved for almost 26 years.

Photo 2013-06-20 6 35 20 PM


Wake up, I have some crappy news for you

Kathleen is awake. Last night, after being unconscious for some 64 hours straight, she woke up. Just like that. At the time, we had no idea if she would stay awake, so I just dropped all the shitty news on her at once. As I sit here writing this, I ask her, “How would you characterize your reaction ?”… “Well, I guess somewhat stoically as I was not really surprised.” I would agree with that.

“What was it like waking up after 64hrs?”, I ask… “I had dreams several times about being woken up. I had many hands on my shoulders shaking me and saying my name many times…. Sometimes they were English and sometimes German. Ka-ta-leen…. Ka-ta-leen… Ka-ta-leen”… It sounds like these were ‘land of chocolate Germans’ as opposed to brown shirted Germans 🙂

My big worry was if she felt any pain and just could not verbalize it ? No she said. Not at all. Good.

Everyone, including the doctors are surprised at how well she looks today. A good batch of anitbiotics and 2 units of blood I guess help 🙂 The main chemo doctor had nothing new in terms of prognosis. He offered a little more clarity about the “new things going on in her lungs” in that he will review in more detail with the radiologist tomorrow to better understand the full implications and talk to us again.

Also the neurologist came by to let us know he is still working on things in the background. So as usually, lots of wheels turning on behalf of Kathleen. Really could not imagine anything more being done.

Its been a good day so far, so we will take that.



Friday Hospital Update

Its been a very hard week. Started Saturday with terrible increased pain that called for more pain meds. On Wednesday night kath developed what we would later find out to be a nasty urinary tract infection. She was offered hospitalization a few times prior in the week and each time she said no. There was not much they could do in the hospital for pain management that we were not already doing at home. Why be in pain next to strangers in a small room. Better in her own space. It was not at all the case Wednesday night / Thursday morning. Maxing out every pain med we had as well as a strong sleeping sedative did nothing. I knew at 11pm when she could not pee she would have to go. She still did not want to. She was delirious from the fever and pain and was up for 48hrs straight. In her brief moments of lucidity at around 6am she realized it was time to go, and so we did. This time via ambulance. The community nurse insisted. It was the correct choice. There is no way I could have safely driven with her in the car in her feverish state– she was grabbing and reaching for everything in her dream state. Luckily all the dreams seemed pleasant to banal with only one or two moments where she was scared.

Seeing her taken away in the ambulance hit many emotional nerves. It was a new marker of where she is now for one…. And there is something jarring in the contrast of the calm and deliberate nature of the paramedics. They are there to do their job. They are kind and respectful but not emotional about what they do. My emotions on the other hand are high and it takes a lot of effort to not fall apart. I am a full bystander suddenly to this part of Kathleen’s journey. I stand aside as they put her on a chair and safety belt her in. It was raining and cool. They had waterproof blankets. They are of course prepared. Its routine for them. So I could feel slightly less separated, I held an umbrella over Kathleen as they took her to the truck. I could not go as I had to let Orville out who was crying as strangers took Kathleen away without her normal “Guard the house Orville, I’ll be back….” as she would throw a cookie to him. Will she come back ? Of course the thought is there. How can it not.

Emerge was fast. They are surprised that with all the meds, she still in so much pain. Even unconscious and unable to respond verbally, its clear she is in a world of hurt. As she was scheduled for a CT scan next week, they decided to do it right away instead to hopefully find the cause. Blood cultures show she has a nasty bladder/UT infection and her bladder is overly full. Cipro I.V. Since there was zero possibility she could lay still, they actually put her out and had an anesthesiologist with her. The images were good quality.
Two doctors, one from Pain and Symptom, and the other, the head of in patient oncology come to see her in emerge to treat her and get the ball rolling for admitting her. An hour or so later, the emerge doctor looks at the CT images and determines going up to in patient oncology is where she needs to be…. So up we go. She has insurance so she can get a double room instead of a quad. But if the inn is full so to speak, you go where there is space. A bonus! A single room! No room-mates!

By about 4pm, her body is finally starting to twitch and spasm less. But still not lucid. Her main chemo doctor comes by to discuss the CT. Normally a man of few words, his face says it all. Even he is shocked to see Kathleen in this state. Unfortunately, they showed at least one of the tumors in her abdominal cavity growing and “something new going on in her lungs”. Kath was suspicious this was happening in the last week or two. She was getting more nausea again and her psoriasis was coming back just like it was when the FOLFOX, the first line chemo drug, stopped working. From reading up on FOLFIRI and FOLFOX, this is a common trajectory for both. It works for a while and then it doesnt in ~75% of the cases for duodenal cancer patients. The Pain and Symptom doctors think that if she were to pull through this infection, then perhaps a month in her current state.

… and then the back pain. The awful back pain. Even with enough pain meds to fell an elephant, she was still writhing in delirious agony the whole night prior to admission. Probably the bladder infection didnt help either with the generalized swelling.
Heavily sedated now and the pain meds are not quite so maxed out and she is generally resting comfortably. She hasnt been conscious for more than a few seconds of recognition since Thursday afternoon. But thats the least worse choice for now. Awake in horrific agony. Or unconscious…. b) So, can anything be done for the pain ? A radiation specialist was in to talk to us. He is willing to do what we like. The problem is, what do we do. Without a target, its just a guess as to where to zap. She has some very tiny ‘abnormalities’ in her upper spine but its probably just regular old age disc wear. But generally nerve impingement there does not translate to where she feels the pain. To put Kathleen through the radiation, its at least 10-15min on the table with about 8 ‘transfers’ to get her there. This means a lot of pain. If they guess it right, and radiation doc thinks the odds are against it, it would be 10-14 days before she might have some benefit and a full 5-6 weeks before the pain from that one part of the spine would be gone…. But there would be potentially an initial pain flare before it got better and the doctors think she has perhaps 4 weeks? More pain for unrealized gain. No.
For a pain block procedure, we have the same limitations and then some. The big one being, Kathleen would have to be awake to let the doc know where the pain is and when it stops. Thats not possible.
Another thought the neurologist has is But thats treated with chemotherapy. There is no way Kath can tolerate that either and she is no longer responding to the systemic treatment.

We talked about what Kath would want done when things came to this stage. Its not like we worked out a large decision tree of every scenario in detail, but enough that I dont worry too much about making mortal decisions on her behalf. The staff here were great about encouraging us to talk about end of life decisions months ago and we did for the most part. We might have procrastinated a bit, but I think all is relatively clear. The doctors are pretty sure she will pull through the infection by Monday. The nurses I poll are mixed. Some dont think she will, some say too early to tell. In the mean time we wait.

Kathleen knows nothing yet of the latest scan. It will be hard to tell her… Will I be able to tell her ?

A friend sent me this link to a rather timely article

I like the poem in it.

10pm. Time to go home for the night. Someone is in the room with her constantly as she could do damage to herself. The people here are really, really, really amazing, so Elaine and I dont worry leaving at night. We can stay if need be, but we are not at that stage quite yet.


Back to the hospital

It’s been a pretty rough week for Kathleen to understate things. It started with a pain crisis on Saturday. Up the continuous rate of one pain med says the doctor…. Too much, so back it off. But the toxic reactions to the drugs didn’t go away. It all came to a head last night where there was enough pain meds in her to take out an elephant and still she was up the whole night legs racing like she was in the 100m dash
Plus she could no longer pee and a fever…. Nurse wanted her to go yesterday…. We held out until this am. We both knew. So back to the hospital again


After about 20min of waiting, I knew that this time they would actually find a blood clot. Kath has had swelling in her legs quite a few times in the past year, but each ultrasound came clean. 10-15 min was all it would normally take down in Imaging. Another new drug now. Even the hospital pharmacist had a “now what” look on his face when I went in with the tell tale white slip of prescription paper. Great pharmacist who is really into what he does. Fragmin. Appropriate name for something to deal with clot busting.
The danger with the clot in her leg is of course it could move into her lungs or elsewhere which would be fatal if not treated very quickly. But with her platelets dangerously low, she has various bleed concerns. When the doctor came in to see us, I had the “No, she is not being admitted speech ready.” I think he knew it would not wash, but the price to pay is we have to go in for daily blood tests for the next few days and wait around for the results. OK. A deal. Oddly enough, it wont effect chemo on Friday. If her platelets are high enough, she can do it. They were 46 today. They have to be 75 or better for Friday. We will see. They did bounce back from the 50s last time, but never this low.
Her pain is not getting any better. Yesterday, we had a RMT come in to see if that could help anything. Perhaps a little, but he warned she might feel a little more pain in the short term. It was a pretty bad night for her.
All in all, quite discouraging. Sometimes I look at her as she sleeps in her chair next to our bed, I dont know how she gets through it. Its a comfortable chair, but its still a chair. To me, it seems like sleeping in an airplane seat for 180 days. Add in the pain, and the cancer and the side effects of the cancer, its been pretty shit for her. The odd bright spot. Last Friday for example was a relatively ok day. We were able to go out to Zhers and a few other errands. We also had a nice birthday cake with Elaine and then yesterday a nice meal out with her Uncle Merv and cousins Chesea and Lisa. But those bright spots seem to be fewer and shorter than ever. Not really looking too far down the road. Just taking one day, sometimes one hour at a time.

Birthday Cake with Elaine
Photo 2013-05-27 6 58 51 PM

Birthday With Merv, Chelsea and Lisa, Jan and Elaine
Photo 2013-06-04 7 40 57 PM

Fun emails (cute animal pics from Bonnie)
fun emails

A bit of ‘photo booth’ last week at the hospital. Still get to kiss my sweetie
